Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blog One: Media and Me

After completing my media journal, I realized the full extent to which media plays a role in my daily life. Some medium of media/technology is present in almost every setting I find myself in. The most prevalent sources of media in my life include: TV, internet, and cellular phones. About 90% of the time I'm at home, the television is usually playing in the background. I don't always pay attention to what is playing on it, but the noise is almost constant. I even have to fall asleep with the TV on just because I find it difficult to sleep in silence. The internet is probably the most important media source in my life currently because of the degree to which it is used for academic purposes. I cannot imagine being a college student without internet access. It is most commonly used to communicate with professors, research information, and for answering any subject I am curious about. I also use it as a tool for staying in touch with friends and family that do not live in the same town as me. I generally talk to about 3-5 people per day over Instant Messaging. Facebook has also become an important medium through which I can find out what's going on in my friends lives, without actually talking to them directly. The internet is my primary source for news because I rarely read a newspaper or watch news channels on television. The internet is also important in my work life because I always bring my laptop to work with me because most of the time my job is pretty slow so it can serve as a source of entertainment when I'm bored. Cell phones are also a source of media that I use frequently on a daily basis. Often days, I send and receive more text messages than I do phone calls. Generally, I do not do too much chatting on my cell phone unless it is with my parents or sister. When I talk to my friends on the phone, it is usually to set up a time or place to meet. I do chat with my boyfriend for a while on the phone because he lives in Northern Virginia and I cannot see him that often. My media journal made me aware of just how important media sources are in my life and just how much I depend on them for the daily conveniences of staying connected to friends and family, being aware of current events, and receiving important information regarding classes and assignments. Without media, I would feel lost without knowing how to quickly and effectively convey and receive the information I am accustomed to having access to.

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