Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blog Five: Crisis Management (Pork Industry Scenario)

If I was the public relations spokesperson for the pork industry and a recent bout of a foodbourne illness was present in some pork that led to the death of hundreds, my first step would be to figure out who I need to respond to. I would assume that the appropriate publics to address would be the mediums through which pork is distributed (grocery stores, restaurants, etc.) Although I would respond to my target audience in a timely manner, I would make sure to enlist the help of some public health officials to study the disease and gather all the facts before informing the public of it because misinformation could lead to panic. After learning about the disease, I would inform the public of the cause, symptoms, and prognosis of the illness. I would try to give an accurate estimate about how much pork already in the market may be potentially contaminated. Also, I would provide them with the medical symptoms that may be present as a product of the illness and what actions they need to take if they experience these symptoms. I would make sure that I am the only person addressing the public so I can attempt to gain a rapport with the audience and ensure that the facts do not become blurred by contradiction. After initially addressing the public about the illness, I would continue to have scientists and various other health officials study the disease in an attempt to create some sort of antibody that could deter the spread of the disease. As a member of the pork industry, I would take full responsibility for the introduction of the illness into the human population. Although an apology seems insufficient, I would still offer it in an attempt to salvage a decent relationship with pork consumers.

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